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Family Money Coaching

Financial Services

I've been a financial coach,  educator,  and counselor since 2012. Before that I was in mortgages.  My goal is changing how couples communicate about money.  I focus on creating a Year Planning session that focuses on your goals and helps create intention with your money.  Then we set up a weekly Money Date with you and your spouse or partner.  This is designed to help you open the lines of communication with your money. We help you create a spending plan that eases conflicts and plugs the leaks in personal spending. We provide the motivation,  resources,  and tools you need to resolve conflict in your relationship over money.  

We have  several courses that can be taken online in addition to our personal coaching. You can  view those courses and other financial resources here.

Financial Advising

Company Details

Credit card, check, cash
AFC, Accrediated Financial Counselor

Contact Information

Family Money Coaching

, United States


, United States

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