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Igo- Organize

Home Services

I am a born organizer. I’ve always gravitated to sorting, tidying up, figuring out ways to make a job more efficient, have a smoother flow & less stress. In every job I’ve held I literally could not help myself from organizing around me, leaving my desk neat & clean as I moved from task to task, eventually asking coworkers if they had any spaces or tasks I could rework for them. 

I love showing clients how more efficient & stress free their lives can be when we find a place for everything. I enjoy working with children learn to put things away in a designated place, so they can find what they want the next time, making it fun & easy for them to complete. 

Any space is exciting for me to tidy up: kitchen cabinets, pantry, laundry, kids rooms, family rooms, closets, attics, bookshelves. 

I’ve been unpacking clients for more than 7 years. Unboxing (or finishing touch service) is usually the day after movers have brought in boxes & furniture. I then arrive to unpack, break down boxes, set up kitchens, closets, kids rooms, make beds & generally get the house put together so the family can feel settled as quickly as possible. It can be a stressful time that my hope is to reduce as much as I can by putting their homes back together for the family to enjoy.    

Home Organization

Company Details

Monday-Friday 9:00-5:00 Saturday by appointment
Cash Check Venmo Pay-Pal
7+ years finishing touch services (unpacking, organizing, & putting everything away for clients after they move).

Contact Information

Igo- Organize

Chattanooga, Tennessee 37421


Chattanooga, Tennessee 37421

Contact Igo- Organize