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Achieve More Growth Company

Professional Services

As a Business Coach & Consultant I bring over 20+ years of real world experience leading Fortune 500 teams to Top Performance.  I offer customized presentations to fit your individual or team’s needs and budget such as:

  • “Lunch and Learn” / "Mastermind" Trainings
  • Keynote speech for your company sponsored event
  • Half day and full day workshop/seminar
  • In-house corporate training
  • Executive and personal retreat
  • Partnership Summit
  • The Leadership Game
  • Individual & Group Coaching

I will provide effective team communication and structure that is important for forging relationships equipping your team with the proper attitudes to develop leaders within. We will work through goal setting and communication exercises that will bring cohesiveness to your group ultimately increasing productivity due to the positive influences each member will have on the group as a whole.

There is synergy of energy, commitment and excitement that participants bring to a mastermind group. My facilitated groups offer a combination of masterminding, peer brainstorming, education, accountability and support in a group setting to sharpen your business and personal skills. By bringing fresh ideas and a different perspective, my masterminds can help you achieve success.

Key Benefits of a Mastermind Group:

  • Increase your own experience and confidence
  • Sharpen your business and personal skills
  • Add an instant and valuable support network
  • Get honest feedback, advice and brainstorming
  • Borrow on the experience and skills of the other members
  • Study Leadership, Communications and Growth principles/practices in a group setting, create an action plan and have the group hold you accountable for fulfilling your plan and goals.
  • Receive critical insights into yourself
  • Optimistic peer support in maintaining a positive mental attitude
  • A sense of shared endeavor – there are others out there!

My coaching involves the ability to understand you: to think how you think, and understand your perspective. From this benchmark, I will place another perspective on top of yours – stretching and growing you to gently see a more empowering way. As a certified John Maxwell coach, I can see what you are going through now and what is up ahead. Coaching is foreseeing, paving the way, coming alongside you while helping you achieve goals and overcome limiting paradigms.

I offer two levels of coaching support:

Individual Coaching – one on one private and confidential coaching

When I am working with you one-on-one, it is my highest objective to help you reach your purpose, vision and goals by working through John Maxwell's programs specific to your needs. Together, we will create a strategic, powerful plan for you to gain clarity through a weekly process including, interaction and accountability.

  • What are you doing to invest in yourself?
  • What are you doing to invest in others?

Group Coaching – small setting onsite or via webinar and video technology

When I am working in a group setting – although it’s not singular in nature – having the entire group’s input in thinking magnifies the richness of the discussions and results in developing solutions that are above and beyond what any individual can create. The cohesive bond that is formed empowers each person to develop the leader within and shine in a safe environment that nurtures the group as a whole. It is an experience unlike any other and follows the same premise as an academic think tank.

Please CONTACT ME, and together we'll create the most effective plan to move you forward.

Career Counseling, Life Coach

Company Details

By Appointment Only
Visa Mastercard American Express Discover Paypal Venmo
Certified Human Behavior Consultant Certified Coach, Teacher, & Speaker with the John Maxwell Team Certified Yin Yoga Instructor Certified Health & Nutrition Life Coach

Contact Information

Achieve More Growth Company

Chattanooga, Tennessee


Chattanooga, Tennessee

Contact Achieve More Growth Company