To keep it simple you become your own agent. We not only lower your fees but in some cases eliminate your current rate depending on the program you choose. As an agent partner with us you receive a monthly commission on your own account for as long as your a customer, in addition to any businesses you refer for a long as they remain a customer and we do all the foot work.
Why don’t other companies do this? Because they enjoy their profit margins!
How are you able to do this? As a wholesale processor we’ve contracted very competitive rates and we have removed the middle sales staff that allows us to appropriate those commissions otherwise paid out to secondary agents, now paid out to our partner merchants.
Why do we do this? Our mission is to help as many businesses as possible. We know that if we help businesses lower costs, eliminate fees and compensate referrals we will build lasting, lifelong partners and that helps us fulfill our mission!
We Offer: NO Leases NO Contracts NO Early Termination Fees NO PCI Fees NO Batch Fees NO Swipe Fees NO Maintenance Fees NO Junk/Hidden Fees NO Rate Increases NO Joke NO Kidding NO For Real…