Our business specializes in one thing. Removal, We can prepare most any surface for reconditioning by removing the old to make room for the new. The hardest part is now the easiest when you use our services.
The main advantage of vapor abrasive blasting over dry blasting is that it reduces dust, allowing operators to work in a wide range of environments with minimal containment and cleanup costs. It results in a cleaner, more consistent finished, ready to coat, with no embedded particles or clinging dust.
Protecting the environment is one or our greatest concerns. All of the products we use are inert or bio-degradable. Most of our medias are recycled and contain <1 percent free silica. We use a rust inhibitor in our water when blasting on metal to reduce the flash rust
Visit our website or facebook for full details and to see some of our projects from the past.
2407 Lyndon Ave, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37415