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Functional Patterns Chattanooga

Things To Do

"I've tried it all, been to every specialist, spent tens of thousands of dollars, only to find temporary relief from the pain."

We hear this story all the time. Most of the people who train with us have gone to physical therapy, they’ve gone to chiropractic, they’ve been to their doctor for MRIs that don’t tell them anything about their pain. At best, they’re offered drugs, a short-term band-aid that most people would rather avoid.

We need to be implementing real solutions to this chronic pain problem.

At Functional Patterns Chattanooga, this is our focus. We are teaching people about the root causes of pain, what we can do to mitigate the pain, and, most importantly, how we can resolve the issue completely. We are not in the business of band-aid treatments - we are here to provide long-term solutions that eliminate your pain problems.

Through years of ingraining poor movement patterns into our lives (e.g. excessive sitting, lack of walking, traditional weight lifting) and dealing with chronic stress patterns, most humans have lost the ability to use their bodies according to this natural design. When these biomechanical patterns are lost, the result is pain, loss of energy, loss of muscle, loss of performance, and poor stress tolerance.

Using Functional Patterns training, we prioritize training humans according to their biological movement characteristics: Standing, Walking, Running, and Throwing — The “FP Big 4”. By optimizing these four human functions, achieving better health is not a gamble but an inevitability. Using Functional Patterns training, we can optimize these primary human movement patterns to build better health.


Fitness Classes, Gyms, Trainers
Spencer - chronic shoulder/neck pain, headache relief
Spencer - chronic shoulder/neck pain, headache relief
Sarah N - chronic headaches, back and neck pain relief
Sarah S - chronic hip, back, and neck pain relief, muscle gain
Chessa - chronic neck, shoulder, and upper back pain
Sarah M. - chronic back pain relief, weight loss
Spencer - chronic shoulder/neck pain, headache relief


Contact Now

Company Details

M-F 7am-7pm Sat - 9am-4pm
Card, venmo
Courtney Smith: Functional Patterns Human Biomechanics Specialist 2, ACSM-CPT Christopher Carlson: Functional Patterns Human Biomechanics Specialist 1

Contact Information

Functional Patterns Chattanooga

2310 Vance Ave Suite 104, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37404


2310 Vance Ave Suite 104, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37404

Contact Functional Patterns Chattanooga